Monday, August 5, 2013

Reluctantly Preparing for School

Hello World,

So, the summer is coming to an end.  That's funny, it feels like it just started.  (Just kidding, there is nothing funny about that.)  The short vacation is mostly due to the late end of the 2012 - 2013 school year.  My summer seems to be speeding by mostly because of the birth of my second daughter.  On July 24th, at 11:42 am, my family welcomed Mary Claire Adelmann into the world.  So, you know what they say... time flies when you have a baby screaming and you don't know why.  

As I try to soak up the remaining days of sun, family, and friends, I will also be slowly preparing for the upcoming school year.  This will include an updated Adelmannia Blog.  I have given it a new look, so that last years students aren't bored.  (Your welcome!)  I will try to update other aspects of the blog as time allows.

Well, I have to go make sure my wife gets some sleep.  Enjoy the rest of your summer.

Mr. Adelmann